In many of my client consultation calls, my clients understand that social media is very important to their business, even if they’re not entirely sure of the logistics of how it all works.

One client of mine, when we first began working together, told me that she couldn’t find her business or services within the first 20 pages of Google. We all know that in order to get noticed, you have to be found on Google. Working over the next few months on her social media slowly brought her up through Google’s listings and she now proudly sits on page one.

I say slowly because it’s not an overnight process, by any means. Google goes through each and every web page being published. It’s a long process that can often take several months before you see any progress.

Another client of mine found herself on page four in LinkedIn searches. Within four months of working together, she found herself on page one and emailed me to express her happiness!

These two scenarios clearly show how important social media is, no matter where you want to be found. It takes time, and continuous posting in order to make it happen.

What types of content make it happen, though? Are we just sharing their material and hoping for the best?


Social media works best with an 80/20 rule. Share 80 percent of other people’s content and 20 percent of your own. It doesn’t seem like a lot, does it? With social media, it’s about giving, not taking. So sharing content from others shows good faith, your audience will see that you don’t think it’s all about you.

One fact I cannot stress enough, though, is that social media works best when you’re being social.

Posting all of these things consistently is great, don’t get me wrong. But social media is about being social. That means you have to interact with your audience. Like, comment, share, retweet – it all matters. Far too many people just share, share, share and not enough interact. And interacting is something that no virtual assistant can do as well as the client him- or herself because no one knows their business as much as they do.

Book a free consultation call with me and we can discuss a plan for your business social media.
