I had no idea, when I began my career as a VA, that there were so many coaches “out there”.

Yet, as my client list grew, I learned that there are coaches available for all areas of life. And I didn’t think I needed a coach for my personal life until I won a free coaching session.

While scoping LinkedIn for possible coaches I could work with, I came across a wonderful woman within my province, and I sent her a message, just asking if she could use some help. I wasn’t sales-y or pushy, I was merely asking if she could use a few more hours in her week. We scheduled a Zoom call and spent about an hour talking. I left that conversation feeling like I made a real connection, she was lovely to speak with. We connected on Facebook after that call and kept in touch.

Fast forward about 7 months, and I came across a contest she was having to win a 90-minute coaching session. I hemmed and hawed about it and finally, on the last day of the contest, I submitted my entry and wondered if I had a chance to win.

I was pleasantly surprised to have won, and we scheduled our coaching call.

The reason I finally entered the contest was that, while I was good at my job and knew how to get clients, I felt like I should be doing something more. The problem was, I wasn’t sure what that something was. I wanted clarity. I wanted direction and needed help finding it.

In my case, it was money. I’m excellent with my business finances. With personal finances, not so much. Financial problems that popped up in the past made me feel mistrust and uncertainty about the situation.

I don’t often let my guard down with people I don’t know very well, but it all came out during this call.

A good coach doesn’t tell you what the problem is. Instead, a good coach pokes around by asking seemingly innocent questions, making YOU see what the issue is. They also don’t give you the answers to the problems you’re struggling with. Within minutes of discovering my issues, I could see how I could get a grip on personal finance and move on to bigger and better things.

Talking about money is awful… it’s something I’ve always loathed. I’ve also feared those conversations but ignoring it doesn’t help to improve anything. That’s the key takeaway from this coaching call.

That same afternoon, my husband and I had a long talk about the coaching session, what I discovered about myself and my feelings towards money, and we came up with a plan to move forward, with full transparency.

I’m proud to report that my husband and I have a plan and are doing quite well as a result of the coaching session.

Let’s work together – book a free consultation call with me.
