Don’t you love researching on the Internet, and coming across a site or blog article that MIGHT have just what you’re looking for, but before you can get to the good stuff, there’s that annoying pop-up asking you to sign up for their newsletter?


I mean, that’s great and all, but until you have a chance to read their content, how do you even know you want to continue to hear from them?


That’s why I’m sharing some tips and tricks that I’ve picked up in my years writing newsletters for clients. Here we go:


Offer a valuable freebie

Offering a freebie that is just so appealing that your visitors can’t resist signing up to get that free thing is the way to go. Instead of having your sign-up pop up on all your blog articles, have that juicy freebie in a side-widget, or in your header area, maybe a banner (I don’t recommend a footer because how many of us ACTUALLY scroll all the way to the bottom of the page? Right?)

Even if your new subscriber unsubs shortly after getting that freebie, if it is good enough, the chances are better that they’ll return, sign up, and stay on your mailing list.

That’s just the beginning, now you need to think about newsletter content!



Continue the quality

So they’ve signed up, gotten the free thing, and they haven’t unsubbed yet. So far, so good.

Don’t botch it by sending them a lame newsletter! No… you have to keep that quality going, offering little nuggets of gold in each newsletter. But don’t put all your eggs in one basket… it’s better to spread these nuggets out over several newsletters. Expanding on what you’ve given them in your freebie is always a good idea!



Include updates

Industry updates and information is always important to include in your newsletter. If your business is seasonal, it’s a good idea to talk about what’s NEXT. One newsletter I read religiously is a homesteading update, and they are always telling me what I should be doing NEXT to prepare for the next season.



Have a blog?

Again, you should make your content as juicy as possible to keep them coming back, and this includes your blog posts. Link to these posts in your newsletter to get traffic going back to your website.



Sing your own praises!

Show off your best testimonials – this is social proof that you’re as good as you say you are


Last but not least, add your contact information. You definitely need to let your subscribers know how to contact you – and when they do, respond as soon as you are able 🙂


I can help you get your newsletters set up and sent out regularly!  Book a free consultation call with me and let’s talk!